Wednesday, September 3, 2014

System Shock

One subject that few of us regular folk have mastered: EMP protection. I could have spent a while condensing the information on the web site of this link but that would have been a waste of time. The author has exhaustively covered the subject. I'll let him speak for himself.

His article is full of links to outside sources of info about hardware involved and other items of interest to preppers. One link leads to a list of EMP myths. Very interesting stuff you won't find elsewhere.

He really covers the two most likely sources of EMP 'attacks'- a solar flare and an intentional nuclear detonation. Personally, I find the solar flare a bigger threat. A flare can easily cover the entire globe and leave us all in the dark. The only 'good' part is that we will have 2-4 days' warning of the arrival. That can make a critical difference, as we scramble to shield our delicate electronics. And if we're lucky, some shelter for ourselves.

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